《 圣经(和合本 》iPhone bible 电子版本, 由本地团体合作翻译, 让信徒可随时随地阅读圣经, 学习英语。 《 圣经(和合本 》有以下特点:
- 支持圣经中英文对照阅读模式,让用家可以更清楚明白圣经的内容。
- 用户可跳到圣经不同的书卷或章节。
- 用户可於圣经的章节写下笔记
- 圣经书卷的图案可转换个人喜爱的图案或照片
- 圣经书卷显示阅读所需时间
(1) 你可选择於iTune 点选《 圣经(和合本 》,然后下载至iPhone。
(2) 你可选择於iPhone 的AppStore 点选《Read Bible, Learn English》,然后下载至iPhone。
《Bible》iPhone Bible version, User can read the Bible Anytime, Anywhere
This Bible is produced by local organization, Christrian or Catholic can download 《Bible》to iPhone and read the wordings from our God Anytime Anywhere.
《Bible》has some features:
- It supports Chinese and English reading mode, it facilities the user to understand the content of Bible
- User can switch to different chapters or pages of the bible
- User can mark note on the Bible
- The chapters logo of the Bible can be customized to yr favourite picture or photo
- It displays the reading time required for each chapter
User must open a iTunes account before you can download this eBook.
There is two ways to download this eBook:
(1) From iTunes, click《Bible》and then download to iPhone
(2) From AppStore of iPhone, click《Read Bible, Learn Chinese》and then download to iPhone